Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We Got Cows

So here's what's been going on in Wyoming!

This week has been a trying one for sure. We did finally come to the conclusion to drop our investigators because they weren't progressing. The beginning of the week was pretty discouraging but we buckled down and brainstormed some ideas, talked to our ward mission leader, and also our bishop for some time. I went to the Lord in prayer early in the week and made a promise with him. It was if I did my absolute best with my obedience that he would help us find someone new to teach. I got a confirmation that he agreed to my request from the spirit. It's been amazing to see the blessings he's giving us the past 2 or 3 days with 6 referrals and members inviting friends to dinner that we were able to teach. When we wrote down our actual goals we accomplished this week I was really please with how much work we were able to do even though it felt like we had nothing to work with. The Lord truly does answer prayers!

Elder Ehlert and I are doing great! We have such a strong relationship and get along pretty much all the time. Heavenly Father has definitely been blessing us for the unity in our efforts together to serve our Savior. I think the coolest thing with our companionship is how much we both love helping people and we'll do whatever we can to succeed in this process.

Personal study has been going great. I've made a goal this week to study out of The Book of Mormon, The Bible, and PMG everyday and have been doing a good job with that goal.
So a pretty funny thing happened while we were waaaay far out of town. We were going to see a less active member that lives probably 25 minutes out of town going 60mph. Idk how many miles but it takes a while. It's so far out the highway turns into a dirt road and there is absolutely nothing out here except ranches and farms. Right as we make the last turn before her house there's a herd of cattle coming against us being moved to a ranch about 2 miles up the road. It's really easy going against the grain in a car through a bunch of cows so that wasn't to bad. We did get to see Sister Allred but she doesn't really want us teaching her or helping her with anything so we weren't there very long. So this is the fun part! The dang cows weren't even half way to the ranch yet so I had to manuver my way through the dang cows again but they're not looking backwards so they don't want to move! I sure did it though with no kicks, licks, or poo on the car (well there was poo on the tires)!

Elder Ehlert now has taught me how to draw bodies! So here's a picture of captain morgan! He took me step by step but I actually drew it! Woo! Also Elder Ehlert and I both after a dinner appointment we had our ears sucked clean of whatever junk is in our ears?? It felt so weird but it was awesome! Sister Ryberg calls them ear candles probably for a good reason after you see the picture!

We were able to attend ward council this week with our ward mission leader and I'm very grateful for that opportunity we had. Like I said earlier, we talked to the bishop and our ward mission leader about how the work is going and some ideas we could start implementing and because of that in ward council not only I but our ward mission leader and the bishop all were able to testify that we need to follow the advice we received from stake conference and unity the efforts of the full-time missionaries and the ward members to see a change in the progression of the work in our area. It was a very powerful meeting with such a strong spirit.

The most spiritual experience I've had this week was last night when we were teaching a guy named Ryan at our dinner appointment. His wife and daughter are members but he's been holding off and hasn't been to interested with us teaching him. So I knew this was a rare chance we had to invite the spirit into his life to testify of the truths we teach. We taught the Plan of Salvation and had great involvement from Brother and Sister Andersen and their kids and also Ryan's daughter asked some great questions. At the end of the lesson I was able to bare a strong witness of the lesson, The Book of Mormon, and Jesus Christ as our savior with the spirit the strongest I've felt in a very long time. I know it's because I have been working hard to strive for exact obedience and Heavenly Father has blessed me with an abundance of his spirit to be with me as a consequence.

I've loved this week and hope I will be able to keep it in my memory forever. I've learned so much and been able to grow to a new level. I've relearned and grown a stronger love for this work and a love for serving my savior.

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